Underground Quiz

Multiple choice quiz to test your knowledge of the London transport network.

Developed in January 2020, this is a simple multiple choice quiz involving the both the history and the modern map of the London Underground to test your knowledge of London's transport network.

The quiz contains a number of themes, the first of which is the London Tube map. In this mode, you are presented with 2 station names, and you must select the station in-between the 2. For example, if presented with Oxford Circus and Holborn, you must choose Tottenham Court Road. In the easy difficulty, you have a choice out of 3 stations. In the medium difficulty, you have a choice out of 6 stations. In the hard difficulty, you must type out the station name yourself.

The next mode is Underground history, in which you must answer a time based question, such as when the first escalator was introduced on the Underground. In the easy difficulty, you have a choice out of 3 years. In the medium difficulty, you have a choice out of 6 years. In the hard difficulty, you must select the year on a slider.

The third mode is general trivia, in which you must answer a number based question, such as how many moving walkways there are on the Underground. In the easy difficulty, you have a choice out of 3 numbers. In the medium difficulty, you have a choice out of 6 numbers. In the hard difficulty, you must select the number on a slider.

The penaltimate mode is station buildings, in which you must name the station shown in a photo, in which the station name has been edited out. In the easy difficulty, you have a choice out of 3 stations. In the medium difficulty, you have a choice out of 6 stations. In the hard difficulty, you must type out the station name yourself.

The last mode is London bus history, which is exactly the same as the Underground history, but all the questions relate to London buses.

Please note that this project is no longer maintained and will not receive any updates.

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Small illustration of the Dean Street end of platform A at Tottenham Court Road.

© Arturs Dobrecovs 2024, all rights reserved.